Please be part To make our soldiers happy and to bring them the light of the miracle off Chanukkah.
Others projects
We invite you to be true partners by contributing to many events at Rachel's Tomb and around the world to instill the legacy of our matriarch, Rachel. Be a part of the activities, blessings, and success of our organization’s efforts.
Learn More About Our Community Efforts
Bat Mitzvah at Kever Rachel
Learn more about the Bat Mitzvah Project where we
link our present young women to the history of our loving matriach, Rachel.
Keep the tradition alive by donating today.
Kiruv at Kever Rachel
Learn more about Kiruv for students, soldiers, and people all over the world at Rachel’s Tomb in Israel. Donate today to support our efforts and spread the love and memory of Mother Rachel.
Tours of Kever Rachel
A visit to Israel offers many opportunities to explore this areas rich history. Kever Rachel is a must see when exploring the past of our matriarchs.